Alerts when your phone rings

With TrapCall, you will know who's calling when your phone rings. Even if your phone is off or has no reception, our notifications give you the peace of mind of knowing who's calling.

Look up any phone number New!

Available exclusively in the TrapCall App, Lookup lets you learn about any number. Just type in a number and find name & address, pictures, and more so that you can know more about who's really calling.

Over 850,000 users trust TrapCall.

“I give out business cards all the time, so I get calls from numbers that aren’t in my contacts. It’s a huge help to get name and address information from these calls so I can easily store them in my contacts.”

Earl C. via facebook

“I use TrapCall's Lookup all the time to find out who's calling me when I don't recognize a number. The data is really accurate, and it also warns me if the number is a telemarketer or robocall. That's really helpful.”

Brandie A. via facebook

“I’m not that old, but I remember when people would screen their calls using their voicemail machine. I love this feature because it lets me do just that, but in real time and with no hassle. One of my favorite features by far!”

Kathy F. via facebook

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